I N S T A : https://www.instagram.com/overalladventures/
S N A P C H A T : @Overall Adventu
T W I T T E R : https://twitter.com/OverallAdventur
F A C E B O O K : https://www.facebook.com/overalladventures
M O R E – J O U R N A L I N G – V I D E O S :
What to Write in a Journal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqxyCxtrprM&t=58s&list=PL9LMESxoaO-fWGFVsxoP_vHWCKqXAmf28&index=1
My Daily Journal Practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoEa7DQLCk4&t=1s&list=PL9LMESxoaO-fWGFVsxoP_vHWCKqXAmf28&index=2
How to Start a Journal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1gMF9RsDVU&t=21s&list=PL9LMESxoaO-fWGFVsxoP_vHWCKqXAmf28&index=4
Tea Stained Journal Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Vagabroad
M U S I C : W I L M A D D E N (intro/outro)
*Share your awesome art with me at overalladventures@gmail.com